You just bought your smartphone ? This is the worst thing that can happen, investing painful $500 for a device again. The fancy silicone and leather covers might fail their job in extreme cases like this. Today bringing your smartphone with you is a necessity, taking care of it is another thing. Watch the video […]
Watching people fall over is always HILARIOUS. Hoverboards were the must-have toy at Christmas and the device that burned homes down on Boxing Day. They’ve been banned from UK streetsand the city of New York. They sold in their millions, and were recalled in their millions. They got our hopes up for a Back to the Future-style personal flying device, then landed […]
When this teenagers gets launched on the Slingshot, he winds up fainting not once, not twice, but three times!
One of the most famous video blogs Worldstarhiphop decided to take a tour and ask around questions in public. To answer these questions you need basic knowledge of the world around you. Basic addition math and a little bit of logical way of thinking. Is this a proof of how many stupid people are walking […]
People try to be professional with their jobs working for a certain TV channel related with the news. When you fail to deliver the news, they become news of another type. The news bloopers. Not all goes accordingly to the plan when live streaming either because of the idiots in background or the extreme weather. […]