Water tubing is all fun and games until…. MAJOR WIPEOUT. Feeling so bad for this girl!! Doesn’t she know that the tube is supposed to stay in the water at all times?! Well if she didn’t, i’m sure it’s something she won’t be soon forgetting… Keep your tubes in the water people unless you prefer […]
One of the most memorable new trends to pop up amongst society is the hoverboard if you haven’t already heard!! The hoverboard has stirred up quite a bit of talk since some people can’t seem to figure out how stay up-right! In this video the poor kid loses control when he starts to go too […]
Wow, now that is a kid who takes his water sports seriously!! Filming and editing skills are spot-on but maybe more attention should’ve been payed to the safety of the activity… because ouch that has got to hurt! Keep a close eye on your children!! Slip-n-slide fail, here come the water works!
One of the most important parts of working out is doing it in a safe and healthy way!! Lifting more weights than you can handle can actually do more harm to your body than good… and it doesn’t feel the greatest either! The big, tough, macho man in this video screams like a little girl […]
Snowboarding is cool and all as long as you land the jump by not hitting a wall or landing on your face!! In this snowboard fail video the guy attempts to sail right over a frozen-over stair case but comes up short and ends up slamming into the side railing instead! If you’re trying to […]
Just two good friends going for a peaceful stroll on their scooters… NOT! As this video progresses you start to see things spiral out of control, especially for the boy in the front!! The speed, plus the force of going downhill, plus the curve?? There’s no way to not go flying. You heard it here […]
The high-dive is where you wanna be if you’re looking to impress your peers but maybe you should work your way up to the high-dive by starting on the lower diving boards first… If you don’t want to flop like this girl did, then take your time and don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with!! […]
Tiny boy versus BIG Jenga resulted as you may have expected… even with all his determination and focus it just wasn’t meant to be. Take this as a learning lesson, use the right blocks for your size to avoid them falling on your face! Jenga fail, he needed a helmet!
Watching people fall over is always HILARIOUS. Hoverboards were the must-have toy at Christmas and the device that burned homes down on Boxing Day. They’ve been banned from UK streetsand the city of New York. They sold in their millions, and were recalled in their millions. They got our hopes up for a Back to the Future-style personal flying device, then landed […]